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Old 02-03-2009, 08:00 PM   #16
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Re: v6 carb problems


A quick word on the throttle linkage. I tried with no luck to make a over the counter linkage work. IT WILL NOT. This is because you need to put in a dog leg bend into the linkage.

However, I custom bent and filed mine from a piece of flat 1/2"x1/8" thick aluminum I bought from Home depot. If you would care I will make you one just like mine for your conversion. Look at the bell linkage and make sure you have the same set up in the past picture (dirty engine). Take a look at my photos showing the linkage. You can see where you have to bend it as well as remove some material. Let me know and I can make you one, NO charge for making it, just what the material $6-7.00 and shipping $3-4

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