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Old 02-03-2009, 11:53 PM   #1
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My wife and truck just don't get along

Rewind to this past Sunday. Finally got my grant steering wheel installed after returning a bad kit because the hub wouldn't fit properly.Anyone who has done these knows how tricky the horn set up is.Wired mine,hooked up the battery,hit the horn,nothing.Reversed the wire,hooked up the battery,hit the horn, nothing.I resolve to the fact that I not going to have a horn. No problem, I can live with that. Fast forward to today. I get a call at work from my wife who puts the phone out the front door asking"Can you here your truck?" My horn decides to start blasting 48 hours after I hooked it up. I tell my wife she'll have to disconnect the battery. My wife is far from mechanically inclined.How do I pop the hood? How do I disconnect the battery? I try to explain ,with the blaring horn in the background making it hard to hear.She hangs up and says she'll try.I'm thinking"wait until the hood is up and she REALLY hears the horn up close and personal"She finally gets it done after another call about what wrench to use to loosen the cable off the battery. Rewind about 2 months earlier,the last time she drove my truck because one of our daily drivers was in the shop. My ignition or starter stuck and the truck just kept trying to turn over at 6 in the morning when she tried to go to work.I work at 9 so she runs in to get me and by the time I get to it the battery is almost dead. I guess I should have given her the hood/battery FYI then. My truck is now THE STUPID TRUCK to her.Someday they'll get along.
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