Gee_Emm alot of those options you are listing are mods available from Early classic enterprises. The shoulder straps did come as an option but there are companies that make exact replicas that bolt into existing holes, (1/2 hour to install). So unless your build sheet has it yours is probably after the fact. It is getting more and more difficult to figure out what is stock and what is not with all the aftermarket stuff available and with people customising their vehicles every day.
monteman, as for your two cigarette lighters one was added after the fact. Look for something missing that your truck should have had, Like a choke or maybe an in dash throttle control. All the holes for headlights, choke, windshield wipers, the throttle control, and ignition switch where pretty much the same size so moving them around is an option. Actually I heard that in 67 to 68 the windshield wipers where put on oneside of the steering wheel then from 69 to 72 it was moved to the other side!