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Old 02-06-2009, 04:19 AM   #7
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Re: "Truck wouldn't Turn OFF" Need Help

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
to both the fuel and water pumps you should b running them off relays/ the altenator wiring is probally the problem of not shutting off because its backfeeding into your ignition circuit

first thing you should do before burning your project to the ground is get a book on the proper safe way to wire a hotrod // summit jegs speedway motors all have a selection of wiring howto books
cdowns That is Exactly what I was thinking The ALTERNATOR being hooked up wrong I bought a ALTERNATOR WIRING KIT through Mad Enterprise I followed the instructions carefully Maybe I over looked something as for the Fuel and water Pumps They are not wired through Relays yet but they will be I just wanted to get the truck running before I wired my relays Since I have no fenders yet.. Another thing I did do was I did change all the wireing to the ALTERNATOR I used the kit pictured as for the Fues Block the only thing I disconnected to reroute my wires was A Purple Wire And a Pink Wire from My Stock Harness other than that I left it pretty much the way it was when it was working thanks for the help guys........As for the diagram I used to wire my ALTERNATOR I will try to scan the image and show you guys how I wired it Based on instructions from Mad E..
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1972 Cheyenne 10 Short Fleet Side
Front 2.5inch Spindles with 2inch Springs Rear 4inch drop Springs.
454BBC TH400,Posi

1971 Cheyenne 10 Long Fleet Side
454BBC TH350,Posi Sold

Drive it like you stole it!

Last edited by petey-pablo; 02-06-2009 at 04:23 AM.
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