Re: Help needed
Hey guys, first I would like to say thanks for all the input. Second sorry for taking so long to saying thanks. Some of you guys posted up a long time ago and again I apoligize for not responding. Im 50 years old and we just (July16) adopted a new born child, need I say more????
All the answers that you gave is what I figured, just wanted to make sure.
I have two exhaust fans on the back wall, do you think if I put a timer on one of the fans and have it to come on say like at 6 am 1pm 6pm 12am.that would solve my issues????? Or at least help ????
And by the way Corn, the AX stuff helped but it did'nt solve my problem.
So much for all that, anyone have pictures of their winter projects that they would like to share?
I had full intension to be furthur ahead than I am but to be honest I have done NOTHING.
Im still trying to figure out how to do a back half on my truck (68 short fleet) to run 33X21.50tires. Got any clues??? Anyone in the Houston area willing to help me out?
I under stand the cutting of the rearend, 4link, coil overs, I just dont know the dimensions on the frame as far as how / where to cut it.
I dont have alot of money to pay you but I could sure take you on a good surf fishing trip ......................... if you like saltwater fishing?
Well, the new addition is crying so I must go do my other duties.
And again,thaks for all your help.