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Old 02-07-2009, 12:59 AM   #3
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Re: 1976 & 1975 Chevy C10 fuel tank brackets different?

Originally Posted by lvschevytrucks View Post
did you try to loose the strap around the tank then put your bolts in? then tigten the straps back up. what you have might work, but 20 gals of gas weigh a lot and will pull at those bottom two bolts. I wouldnt trust it.
Well, the problem is there are holes pre-drilled in the frame that the bolts pass through to get to the threads on the brackets. There are 4 in the front, 4 in the rear (4 bolts per strap, 2 straps). Everything is fine except on the front bracket only the 2 bottom bolts line up with the threads in the bracket. If you try to put the bolts in the 2 top holes, you just hit the bracket...the tapped holes with the threads on the bracket aren't lined up with the holes in the frame. It's weird.

If it is fine with only 2 bolts on the front bracket then no big deal, but if I'm risking something breaking loose the only thing I can do is drop the tank and swap the strap/bracket off of my old tank. It's really a pain so I hoped I wouldn't have to but now I'm kind of worried.

Last edited by Tantrix; 02-07-2009 at 01:02 AM.
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