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Old 02-07-2009, 05:49 AM   #28
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Re: For those who appreciate a correct restoration

Are you kidding? EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THEY DID NOT COME WITH LISCENSE PLATES FROM THE FACTORY!!!! just joking pretty nice truck guys, as far as the engine, while I know this is probably not the case, if the chevy dealer put the 454 in it before it was sold that would make it "Original" many new cars were modified at the dealership, and also are the "most valuable to collecter's cars" available ie: Yenko, Baldwin, Calaway, Shelby....

and as far as paint dabs and stickers go, I have built literaly MILLIONS of new cars (600 a night for 13 years),and the chances of everyone of them having the same locations on any given night from operator to operator is zero, if a show judge told me my sticker was two inches from where it should be I would laugh my @$$ off at him it would prove he knew nothing about vehicle production....As drunk and drugged up as most UAW members Were or Are I am amazed one gets out the door running at all, thank God for warranties, thats why I prefer build my own .
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