Thread: Help!
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Old 02-08-2009, 12:33 AM   #1
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I just hosed up my oil pan while trying to remove it. Yea Im a dump ass. The shop manual said to undo the motor mounts and then jack the motor up from the pan. I put a 2x4 across the pan, to help distrubute the the weight, and then let it rip. I should have stuck with my gut on this one but the shop manual couldn't be wrong... right? Well now I have crushed the oil pan, and can't find a replacement.

I have been searching online but haven't found one yet. LMC doesn't list one nor does Brothers. I have checked with the local parts store and nobody carries it. Even the junkyards in my area don't have one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Last edited by pittdawg; 02-22-2009 at 07:33 AM.
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