To finally put to rest the speculation and curiousity over the recent purchase I made, I wanted to post some pictures of the new truck.
A little history...
A few weeks ago, early on a Friday morning while on the road for work, I receive a call from lolife99 (Keith). He said, "have you been on Craigslist?" I thought to myself, no but it sounds like I need too. Well early that morning a friend of Keith's (Mike), was running through the regular searches and came across a '69 CST in our area. He called Keith, and as mentioned above, Keith called me. Now I'm wishing I would be close to a computer, but knew that I wouldn't be home until later that afternoon, so all day my mind kept milling over the phone call I had received that morning.
Later that afternoon I finally got home and guess what our internet service is down at home.... go figure! So I give Keith a shout and see if he could get me the number. Now mind you, I still haven't even seen a picture of this supposed find, but knowing the sources knew that I could trust them. So I call the current owner and scheduled a time to head to his house in 20 mintues.
Now you know how the old song and dance goes, great looking picture, but a total mess when you go to look at it. Well, this is not one of those ads... My FIL and I head out to take a look at the truck, and to put it bluntly we were blown away, literally! That night the temperature had dropped, but the blood was pumping threw my veins so I didn't even notice, not to say that my FIL and the owner didn't freeze. After looking the truck over and over for around an hour and a half, we decided to head home and contemplate the purchase. Later that night I called the owner, and told him that we would like to look at it again in the morning.
Well since I'm actually posting this thread, you know that I ended up buying this truck. Now for a little information about the truck. It is a '69 Chevrolet CST/10 SB, and has an Inline 250 with a 2 spd powerglide. The truck was assembled in St Louis and then made it's way to Chamois, MO and was sold to its first owner on January 11, 1969 for $2,679. According to the PO, the original owner owned a hardware shop and painted the stores logos on the side of the truck. In 1988 the truck was then sold to the second owner for $1500. When he brought it home he tried to remove the logos from the doors but ended up messing up the paint and decided to have it repainted and kept the original scheme and colors. The second owner loved this truck and kept it strictly to a "Sunday" driver, and it never saw salt, snow or rain. When the second owner eventually passed away, the third owner purchased the truck at his estate sale. Now mind you, the second owner sold his house and land to the now third owner of the truck a few years before it passed away. This truck had been in the same shed for over 20+ years. The third owner and his son purchased and proceeded to keep it as original as possible. I am now the 4th owner of this truck, and couldn't be more thrilled to own such a piece of history. I was fortunate enough to get the original manual, protecto plate, and the "Commercial and Truck Order" form.
The truck only has 96,4XX miles on it, and over the past few years had only 50-100 miles/year put on it. And... for those not in the rust belt, rust free trucks and parts are definitely hard to come by especially ones that were "born and raised" here. These pics were taken
after it had been cleaned up, as it was quite dusty when we got it home. I also received the original AM radio (not pictured), and the original wheels/hubcaps (not pictured) with the truck. The only thing that isn't factory correct would be the radio, and yes the dash was cut... but I'm working on a solution for that.
Before I jump to the pics, a BIG thanks goes out to Keith and Mike, without them this would be in someone else's garage, possibly even theirs.

Thanks guys!
Enough of this talking, time for some pics!!!!!
These aren't the best pics mainly due to the sun, but they're best I could do yesterday with the time I had.