It seems the bigger the rig,the easier they hit you...go figure.
I had a guy in a Porche 911 pull up tight behind me where he was in the crosswalk.I decided I didn`t want to wait for the train to load/unload and I just needed to get to the post office across the track.So,I started backing up to pull over into the station parking lot.I barely moved and hear trumpet horns then bump! I get out and there`s a fancy little Porche all squeezed up under my truck

.I got off in court.The guy had no business blocking the crosswalk,was already partially under my truck before I moved(took advantage of my height),and I used all three mirrors and he wasn`t in view.I asked the judge how that could be unsafe backing?I had to bang out my diff cover.He had a dented fender and hood."Sorry about your luck there Speedy."