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Old 02-09-2009, 08:47 PM   #10
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Re: Compatiable years of steering columns?

Originally Posted by James McClure View Post
Be aware though that IF you get a colunm out of a later model you may wind up with one that had a 4 speed automatic in it and you don't want that because in 84 there were only 3 speeds available if memory serves. If you can only get a 4 speed one you will have to strip the upper half of both and change the detent plate where the shift handle tab fits into it. 2 or 4 WD will not make a difference. jim
My '82 K5 has the OD shift pattern although the orange finger is missing. That isn't to say someone didn't replace the cluster in my truck at some point; they jimmy rigged everything else?

BUT, I think OD started in '82.

I was under the impression that the shift "detents" were a function of the transmission not the column? If you put a OD column in a 3sp truck it will still shift just find but the orange finger/indicator will be off? And vice-versa?
2009 Honda Fit CfC (bsf 44.9 mpg)
2000 Tahoe Limited
1991 GMC CrewCab Dually 2wd, will end up swb, not dually and replace CCswb below
1991 GMC CrewCab Dually 4x4, just going to fix things up for now
1982/1989 K5/GMC Jimmy 2wd
1987 GMC 1/2 ton swb 2wd Crew (sold)
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