Need Help On A Dodge ASAP Please
I'm finally nearing the end of gettin my Dodge running, and the wiper motor went bad (I think) the fluid still works, so i figured it wasn't the switch, Now I know that this year dodge's have ground problems with the switches but I dont think that is the problem. What I am asking is if anyone has any diagrams or knowledge on the wires that go to the motor and or the switch?
It is an 87 Dodge Ram 150. I want to check if im gettin power to the motor before I get a new one. Also, I have a spare wiper motor that is in an RV, a Chevy RV that is located under the dash, inside the cab, just as are these trucks, my dodge however is under the hood, I am asking what kind of customizing will i need to do if I do plan to use this motor? (I will most likely get a new motor) I need to get this checked out and fixed before friday, being that we were planning on getting it insured so I can (After Two Years) finally drive it >_<. Please help, any insight will be apreciated.
'68 chevy c10 1/2 ton inline 6, 250 2wd stock everything. exposed to elements for 40 years
'87 Dodge D150, 318 auto stock; D.D.
God meant for rubber to be burnt, not for an ear of corn