Re: master cylinder 71 72 disc question
71 72 trucks should use the same master cyclinder for the right truck.
Chevy truck chassis service manual series 10-30.
Section 5-2:
C,K,P 10 series has manual master cyclinder non booster mounted to fire wall.
C,K,P-20 thru 30 series same as above with vacuum assist booster.
C-30 with H-22 option which shows lines going to the frame booster
P-30 with H-22 Option
This is straight out of the manual.
1971 LWB Custom, 6.0LS & 4L80E, GPS speedometer & gauges with A/C. 20" Boss 338's Grey wheels 4 wheel disc brakes. My Driver
Seeing the USA in a 71
Upstate SC GM Truck Club
2013,14 and 2016 Hot Rod Pour Tour
Get out and drive the truck this summer and have some fun!
It sucks not being able to hear!
LWB trucks rule, if you don't think so measure your SWB!
After talking to tech support at Air Lift I have found out that the kit I need is 60811. Per the measurements I gave them. Ride height of truck inside spring and inside diameter of springs.