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Old 03-08-2003, 03:50 PM   #24
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OK here is the picture. I'm sorry its blurry, but atleast you can see it.

"A" is the knob release button. Mine is located on the side of the headlight switch unit. You could rotate the headlight switch unit and it would be on the bottom. So I guess it depends on how you have it installed. You press in the "A" release button and pull on the headlight knob as if you were turning on the headlights. Keep pushing in the release button and pulling on the knob until the knob is disconnected from the main headlight switch. You may have to jiggle the knob while pulling if its jambed in there.

"B" is the nut that holds the entire unit to the dash. It looks like a big washer, but it is actually a nut and a washer in one. If you remove the guage bezel and unscrew this big nut/washer, then you can remove the entire headlight switch unit.

The "B" is what you see when you look inside the hole for the headlight knob. It covers the entire steel behind the knob so you look at this nut and not the steel behind the bezel. It kind of serves as a nut for the switch and a cosmetic piece as well. Mine is kinda green, I will paint it when I have the dash apart next time.

Does that help anymore?

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