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Old 02-15-2009, 10:44 PM   #7
70C10Toejam's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Death Moans, IA
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Re: Oshkosh for lunch

Made it back safe and sound. Got to Oshkosh around 12:30, and went to The Charcoal Pit for burgers. Then went to the Avation Museum. Only got one digital pic, on my phone. Gotta get the rest developed. Yes, I have no real digital camera yet. Was too short o' notice to borrow one.

Just a shot of the fuel truck, cause o the emblem in the grill. The nose of the plane is in it, the pilot, BJ has his back to the camera. Ok...the one closer, the other is one of the instructors fueling. He's taking lessons at Iowa Central CC in Webster City.
Name:  0215090937.jpg
Views: 92
Size:  30.3 KB

Plane was a Piper Archer II. Nice little plane, seats 4, but makes an original VW Bug feel like a limo.
Try and get the pics developed tomorrow.

Flew across IA at 3500. But hit bumps in WI, had to climb to 5500. Then back to 3500 for the clouds...not instrument rated yet. Flew back at 6500.

rod86---There were visitors in the log at the museum from Perth.

68C15---Maybe next time. He has been to Sioux Falls airport before.

His now has 12 hours cross country with 2 airport stops. But he is gonna go see his sister in Denver for that one. 6 hours each way and will have to stop around Kearny. One trip to complete the requirement.
I keep two MAGNUMS in my desk. One's a gun, and I keep it loaded. The other's a bottle and it keeps ME loaded. I'm Tracer Bullet. (Calvin and Hobbes)

This life was a test. It was only a test. If this had been an actual life, you would have received instructions on where to go and what to do.

RED meat is not bad for you...FUZZY BLUE/GREEN MEAT is bad for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Last edited by 70C10Toejam; 02-15-2009 at 10:45 PM.
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