Thread: am i crazy?
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Old 02-17-2009, 08:13 PM   #1
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am i crazy?

im toying with the idea of selling my 1969 C10 and getting a late model, 2wd 6.0 liter shortbox truck to hot rod.

i would want a cam, intake, headers, and exaust done to it, i read in hotrod these mods would put me up to knocking on the 500 hp door?

how much of a pain are these to tune in their factory trucks?

what about buying a factory V6 truck and swapping the 6.0 much work is involved elctrical/computer wise?

- Jason

If you can turn, Youre not going fast enough.

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first car to 200 mph in the 1/4 mile, no parachute, drum brakes all the way around..
..back when men were men.
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