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Old 02-18-2009, 09:40 PM   #18
70C10Toejam's Avatar
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Re: Oshkosh for lunch

Originally Posted by 71swb4x4 View Post
Cool pictures. I bet that was a fun day.

How long has your friend been in his flight classes?

Was a great day. He's had is private license for about a year and a half. Started his instrument rating/ comercial classes shortly after that. His classes are officially over, just doing the instruction and flight requirements. Woulda been farther along, but last winter was so bad...airport snowed/iced in, too windy for the progress flights(have to finish withing like 1 minute of eta, and when wind is high or changes during flight that is hard to do) and the rare nice day he had to work. That first trip with him around this time last year, he had not flown for almost 3 months because of the conditions.

Originally Posted by msgross View Post
I've done worse... If we go somewhere like that for lunch it cost about $10K. Of course we have to fly anyway so why not go somewhere that has good wings ya know...
I agree with El Jay Thanks for your service. BJ's brother-in-law is in the Guard here. Did a stint in Kosovo(SP?) and a trip to the sandbox.
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