Originally Posted by kdrodworks316
Got the frame all glued together for the "T" today. Its even square and level. I modfied my plan a bit and streched it out another foot, and dropped the rear 12" instead of 8". I should end up with about 112" wheelbase. I have to work my real job for the next 4 days, so it will be the weekend before I get to start mocking up anything, and get the 348 out of the shed. I am headed for missoula montana to see Jonzcustomshop an runninlow for a few days of bench racing and to test drive Jonz "T", I am thinking of buying it as well. I am not crossing to the dark side (f**d), I just have a soft spot for rust rods.
Well pooh! after our talk the other night about your ford I was actually thinking of making him an offer too but figured it was out of my price range given current changes here at the RLC household. Dew fridge is stocked and ready so give me a hollar when you're done @ Freddies place.