Originally Posted by 100%Chevy
On my rear mount,I stuffed a rag in it to keep sand out when blasting.I found it later when I was welding on the floor.Used the hole to squirt water on(or in)the fire,then a clothes hanger to pull the rag out.So,it is somewhat useful!

I think I'll try the plug thing but I think I'll pass on the fire part(I hope!).
collins- This is the same type stuff that I have been considering since the truck is apart. I want to try to fix it so the rust issues won't return, at least for many years.
I think I will do as you guys have suggested and install another plug so I can rinse the area out periodically.
All of the metal that I reinstall that will be welded on and non accessible, will be coated with cold gal. spray. Everything else will be coated with some Zero-Rust coating that I have(at least I think I have enough).
Thanks for the input guys!!