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Old 02-20-2009, 01:53 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Superior, WI
Posts: 30
Wink My Pokey Project

Well Here goes.
I'm new to the 67-72 board, but looks like I've been missing a great resource! My project "Pokey" is a 70 1/2 ton 4x4 with a 67 front clip, and a bunch of other bells and whistles (at least it will have those bells and whistles when I'm done with it!!!).
I've been workin on it for a while (more than 1,2,5,10,13 years) because of this or that it's taken me that long (most likely associated with laziness and distractions, like college, marriage, children, and cancer) to get where I'm at. I started on the build as a 18 year old freshman at college. Wide eyed, I bought a truck thinking I'd work on it through college. yeah that was a great idea.
Here it is, as I brought it home in 1993.

I've done a lot of work (over and over) since then. But for it's bedtime now. I'll post more tomorrow or so.
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