Thread: 700r4 feel
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Old 02-22-2009, 04:50 PM   #1
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700r4 feel

There seems to be more 700r4 topics right now. I wonder if that's because a bunch of people have pulled their trucks in for the winter and are doing major work to it while it's down. That's when I did my 700r4 swap.

I just remember an unheated garage, laying on the concrete floor with my wife trying to wrestle the tranny into place. Never forget that. But it was fun.

I do have a question of those who have 700r4's in their trucks. I bought bowtie's kit, TV cable, brackets, prx gauge and set it all up. The pressure's are good and I've got about 20,000 miles on so far. The question is, how does the shifts feel on your trucks. Are they soft and gradual, or are they sharp? I have mine set up so that the tranny shifts a little late and with a sharp bang. The shift into overdrive is softer.

I drove an '88 GMC with a 700r4 for a bit, and I set up my '70 to mimic the GMC... plus a little late and sharper. Just wondering how your guy's shifts feel just for a comparison.
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