Thread: Seatbelts
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Old 02-23-2009, 08:01 PM   #10
78 Chevyrado
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Re: Seatbelts

Originally Posted by vtwinsport View Post
thanks s10 and damien.
That means there were some 76's made without shoulder belts. Which means, if I can find factory looking plugs or replacement trim pieces on the cab where the shoulder hole guide is, I can place those speaker boxes and get rid of the annoying shoulder belts or get later belts with a different mounting location.

p.s.- I know some people highly recommend the shoulder straps for safety but I'm not convinced they're worth it. I'm more likely to get rear-ended and suffer whiplash with no bucket headrests or nailed from the side which I'm assuming shoulder belts won't help in that case.

I LOVE my shoulder belts, they keep steering columns out of your chest. think about it, nobody can plan for a wreck, or they wouldn't have gone driving that day. I know my shoulder belt did a heck of a lot for me, because the only thing on me that was hurting was my shoulder where that belt grabbed me.

Last edited by 78 Chevyrado; 02-23-2009 at 08:05 PM.
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