This is how we do it:
Adjust most of the clearance out before starting the engine.
You will have to turn the engine over to know if the valve is closed or not. Go through all of the valves and recheck them for some looseness as the lifters will pump up and remove the clearance, usually after the engine is running.
Start the engine and adjust the rockers with the engine at an idle.
Do one side at a time. Because of the oil squirting we use a cut out valve cover and oil deflector tabs on the head we are working on. Be sure and put a valve cover on the head that you are not working on.
We set the valves with the engine warmed up. Depending on where they are adjusted after you get the engine started we adjust any loose ones first. Tighten the rocker nut until the clicking stops and then go an aditional 1/4 turn.
On the tight ones loosen the adjustment nut until the valve clicks and then adjust as per above. Sometimes you have to go through and readjust if you still have some clicking. Be sure to check every valve for adjustment.
Oil deflector tabs are available from NAPA if you don't have any.