First day at school with it went excellent. Everyone was asking me about it and stuff. My brother wanted me to go in the car rider line at his junior high to show his friends instead of him walking to me at the road and saving ten minutes

But when I got my inspection yesterday they said that the glass packs were illegal now so I either got a fine or new mufflers. They showed me the rules and it's been a Texas law for two years now apparently. All they really had were Flows and Magnaflows. So my huge stealthy mellow Blue Streak mufflers were replaced by Flow 40's with dumps under the step to abide the law

Now of course it runs worse than with the old exhaust so I need to tune it and get a new brake booster and some other stuff. They didn't mind my exhaust leak at the air injection either, just had to get rid of those glasspacks

Need to fix that quick too