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Old 02-28-2009, 11:51 AM   #4
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Re: So WHERE is you Favorite Place to Order Quality Parts

I'd rather buy from the guys who build their own trucks with the products they sell. I'd rather have the best part than the best price.

I've been over to The Classic Heartbeat store and Wes let me do the touch and feel thing with the pieces. "Here check this and I am installing one on my truck over there".

I haven't bought anything from Mothertruckers yet but after checking the catalog I will most likely place an order at some time. Good online catalog and again someone who uses the parts he sells in his shop.

I would rather buy from a source where I can call and talk to the same person and hopefully the owner or manager every time.
Or email as the case may be. I did the purchasing for a plant for a major national food processing company for several years and managed to build relationships with a number of vendors reps whom I could count on to give me personalized service because I was "their" customer and not just customer # 85679.
Sometimes you have to go through the big outfits because they are the only ones who have a certain part in stock especially for the guys who are doing full to showroom restorations and need that hard to get original style piece to make the truck authentic.

Shipping is also a serous consideration. If I have a large purchase such as a hood I can drive to the Portland, Or/Vancouver, Wa or Olympia,Wa areas for less than I can have large parts shipped. It would be a long day and lots of miles but I could manage to make a loop and hit about 4 vendors shops in the PNW in one day. That could save several hundreds of dollars in shipping on a hood, bumpers and bigger body parts.
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