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Old 02-28-2009, 05:30 PM   #5
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Location: Richland, WA
Posts: 13
Re: So WHERE is you Favorite Place to Order Quality Parts

Come on folks I know almost everyone on here has ordered parts for their project, where did you get the best quality stuff ???

I agree with Mr48 above 100% !!!:Chevy:

BUT I live in Washington Too so I have to pay sales tax when I buy (or order from) WA folks, so if I could find out of state venders that would be ideal.

I have however spent WAY too many hours trying to make crappy patch panels fit on this truck, I would gladly pay double for some of the patch panels that fit like a glove like the black EDP front passenger cowl piece that I bought from the old Chevy Duty (the one that has the louvers for the heater fresh air) I am sure that came from the Orient and it was excellent! However I bought door handles from them and window cranks that I was VERRRRY disappointed with.

I don't want a Chinese tailgate that will crush if my fat butt sits (or jumps) on it. That is why we will be buying it from Mar-K

Hasen't anybody else bought quality from other places ?

What about the Filling station? They look quality, Anybody?
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