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Old 02-28-2009, 11:43 PM   #1
Proud owner of a P.O.S.
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: little rock, Ar
Posts: 72
brand new silverado.... problems!!

I just bought a brand new 09 4x4 Tuesday. Rolled over 1000mi Thursday and i started hearing a grinding noise coming up through the 4wd stick along with vibration. Put it in 4wd and it sounds like rocks are in the t-case, turn the wheel a little and it stops dead in its tracks. I have already taken it back to the dealer and they gave me a POS loaner to drive. I know its all under warranty but WTF?! It seems to me that they put different gear ratios in the diffs. I have always been a chevy fan but I drive around 6000 miles a month, it needs to be dependable. The last 3 new chevys I have bought have had problems right from the get go. Sorry to whine but I needed to vent a little.
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