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Old 03-02-2009, 08:15 PM   #15
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Superior, WI
Posts: 30
Smile Re: My Pokey Project

The thought of rust keeps me up at night! (If you search my other posts you will see that that is a common theme) That's the biggest reason I blew the frame apart that far, just to be able to get a good blast and coating on all (repeat that A L L) surfaces of the chassis (now that I think about it, I didn't take the spring packs appart :P). And to be honest it's one of those things that maybe cost an extra $50 to do, but has/is/was providing me the ability to sleep at night. Pretty much it only took my time to blow it apart and coat it as opposed to just blasting and coating as is.
As for the method to put it all back together, I used all grade 8 yellow zinc bolts (I like the look, and can't help but to think the strength won't hurt), washers, and aircraft style nuts (got all that from Fastenal).
I've heard some concerns in discussions about the frame not being aligned once It's all back together, I havn't really had my mind made up on that one yet, as I havn't gotten the body tightened down yet, and certainly havn't drivin it yet... I'll report on that one in about a year.
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