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Old 03-03-2009, 03:39 AM   #65
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Wink Re: The Project Havoc....

Well it has been a Long Long day. i got out to the shop around 8 this morning and did not come in till 1 inthe morning. i got most of my watts link done in the back just a couple minor adjunstment, i will do that in the am. i also got my trailing arm brackets attached. So finally i have a ROLLING CHASSIS. YAH!!!! it has been this way too long. in the am i will start to install my anti roll bar and c-notches and shocks. that is the plan at least.

I also got to meet fbird68 tonite. He was in the city on work and stopped on by. really nice guy. glad too meet you and see you in the future. nothing better than shooting the sh*t sometimes in the shop.
So i managed to take some pics and here they are.


Total Hours: 127.5 Hrs
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1968 GMC "HAVOC"
1986 GMC "Frank"
J.J.R.H. Design & Consulting

My 68`Rebuild "HAVOC":
A 58' chev build thread:
1969 Camaro Pro Touring
Swiss Cheese:
Adjustable Trailing Arm How-To:
1968 Ford Farm Truck:
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