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Old 03-03-2009, 10:14 AM   #14
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Re: So WHERE is you Favorite Place to Order Quality Parts

Originally Posted by bensimmons_05 View Post
Definately classic performance products for suspension, engine mounts, brakes, etc. Most other dealers that sell the same type products use them as a vendor
Unless they've really changed how they do business in the last year, that would be untrue in my experience. The majority of stuff CPP sells is manufactured by others. Drop axles come from CenPen, 4-links come from TCI, brakes come from again someone else. I spent days chasing down their suppliers for technical questions after repeatedly being told by Randy at CPP that they weren't the manufacturer and couldn't assist with technical issues. They may "package" the items from various suppliers but they sure do not manufacture most of it. The trouble is when they put the wrong item in the kit, you've got a headache trying to figure out what it is supposed to be.

Last edited by robin58; 03-03-2009 at 10:15 AM.
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