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Old 03-12-2003, 11:47 AM   #3
Classic Heartbeat
Project Junkie! Fishing Poor!!
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Location: Olympia,Wa. 98512
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Well I thought I found one that was going to do the work and did do some work on my Panel, but after I got it back I found that charged me $1200.00 for sub par work. Then tried to tell me that it was industry standard. Since when did drilling holes in a truck to pull a dent, then using bondo to fill the holes become industry standard? Especially after I gave explisit instructions not to do it!! I had him cut out the lower rear quarter on the R/H side of my Panel, because it was full of holes that someone had drilled to pull a dent in it. My body man told me then that he could just smear bondo over it to cover it up... My responce to that was, that I did not want that done and if it cost me extra to weld the holes up, then that was what I wanted done. He said it would be cheaper for me if he cut the spot out of the quarter and weld new metal in. So I said do it then, at least there wouldn't be a bunch of holes in my truck. Well he did that repair right and I was happy with it, so I had him take out a dent on the L/H side by the taillight. How does he do that repair??? He drills holes in the dent, uses a slide hammer to pull the dent!!!! Then smears bondo over it to cover it up!!! Without welding up the holes!!! I,m so angry I could spit!!! You can see the bondo pushed through the holes on the inside of my panel!!! What is wrong with this guy??? Anyway I take my truck back to him to fix his mistake and that is when he tells me that, this is industry standard, and he refused to fix it!! He said he had too many hours in it to grind out his work and weld the holes up. That he would grind off the bondo that pushed through the holes and cover that area on the inside of my Panel with undercoating to hide it. Well the only thing I can say about it now, is it is time to get a new bodyman!! WES
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