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Old 03-08-2009, 12:43 PM   #1
Scotty W
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Victoria,B.C.
Posts: 3
2whdr Blazer/Jimmy

Hey,just a quick note from up north.I was fortunate enough to find a 71 Jimmy 2whdr about 12 years ago.Unfortunately I was young and dumb with
grand illusions and took it all apart.Luckily its still sitting at my old boys house.As luck would have it I came across a 72 Blazer 2whdr 4 years ago,I dropped it using a Brothers ultimate drop kit,slid in a 402BBC,i got a steel cowl
hood,Weld Prostars & am in the process of installing a TKO-600 5-speed.I'll
upload some pix later when I figure out how to (electronically inept).
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