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Old 03-09-2009, 10:23 PM   #18
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Location: Superior, WI
Posts: 30
Exclamation Re: My Pokey Project

So, a straight on of how the tail light section looks:
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Got some new sheet metal for the front

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The reare window has given me a bunch of problems with rust... Sooo I've blasted it and welded it up. Good thing is this will be behind a gasket, so I'm going to just POR 15 it.

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The passenger cab corner needed replacing... so I replaced it.. Problem is, the bottom got a bit out of wack, so I thought it would be uuugly. So I had the body man I mentioned earlier attemt to fix it. Only by coincidence did I push the box up to where it would normally sit, and found that the box would have covered it great. However, it was too late, he already had it bent up, and was at the point where he indicated he needed to take it off to fix it. I then ordered a new cab corner, but havn't put it on yet.

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I've recently been working on getting the doors cleaned up, which is about 20% of the way done.... I need to fix a couple of holse, and replace a panel or two, then blast and variprime them. Hopefully in the next week or so.
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