Originally Posted by Cookie
Hey guys i have a dumb question i have a 1986 jimmy with a tilt column well for the problem. The other day i got in it and tried to start it.The ignition would not leave the lock position i pulled the wheel to either side and still wouldnt realease well after about 30 minutes of screwing with it i got it to turn over and its been that way ever since. i won't even put it in the lock position anymore if i do ill be sitting there for awhile trying to get it out. i was wondering if theres an easy fix for this problem or what caused it so suddenly....By the way the only way i found to get the ignition is to move it to accessory then use alot of force to get it to the run position
Thanks in advance for any help
If you have two keys for your truck, look at them both and see if they look just a like, some times you will get a bad place in your key and it will not work right.
Now if it looks ok they you have a bad ignition swich and you will have to get a new one and the bad news is it's a pane to change out.
Let us know what happens.