Thread: Which Headers?
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Old 03-13-2003, 02:14 PM   #1
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Which Headers?

I tried doing a search so I wouldn't have to ask, but it pulls up just about every thread because a lot of people have 'headers' in their signature.

Which would you buy? I'm thinking of a set for the 'burb.
my 2¢ - t.i.o.l.i.

1968 K20 fleet
1969 K10 swb fleet
1972 K10 Suburban
1972 C10 lwb step
1992 K1500 'burb
1995 K2500 'burb
1997 C1500 'burb
1999 K1500
2000 K1500 'burb

Why do I own so many Suburbans?
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