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Old 03-13-2003, 07:13 PM   #16
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Iowa
Posts: 236
I can understand your delimma wes... But then again it is hard to find someone to do quality work at a low price.I'm not saying you were trying to find the cheapest guy on the block.Take into consideration....was this at his shop? does he guarantee his work?does he need the money all up front? are there other "projects" sitting around? what kind of experience/certifications does he have? as far as $38 an hour...I don't open my toolbox for less than 50-I'm not trying to sound cocky thats just what I need to do my work. In any case to anyone looking be careful who you chose, ask around and youll find some one.
you never have too many suburbans....
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