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Old 03-15-2009, 02:01 AM   #5
spinning wheels
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Re: Need help with my brakes

Disconnect the vacuum hose to the booster. Insert a vacuum gauge into the hose, coming from the engine. You should be getting around 15 inches of vacuum.

Also check the valve that plugs into the booster. Its that small, round white plastic part, where you connect the vacuum hose to. They can go bad and not allow your motor to, in a word, suck. Its a one way valve.

Also, there is a small round rubber seal where the MC mates up to the booster. Check to see if it is there. You will need it. I was missing mine and the booster would not work. Felt like I had manual brakes and the pedal was hard as a rock.

Good luck
'72 GMC custom camper 350/350

Last edited by spinning wheels; 03-15-2009 at 02:03 AM.
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