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Old 03-13-2003, 08:17 PM   #1
Earl Junior
Cadillac power
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Posts: 296
'burban barn doors

I was cruising through a JC Whitney catalog last night when I came across a setup to replace newwer truck tailgates with a pair of swinging doors.

I thought they looked kind of cool and it got me to wondering if a set of 'burb doors could be chopped at the window and used in the same fashion.

I'm not too familiar with the Suburban. Do the burb door lines follow the truck lines and would that section of the door be approximately as tall as the bed? Could one remove the window section of the door from the rest and "bolt" the doors on?

I realize it wouldn't be as simple as that, but I could get an idea if this is even possible without major fabrication.

Just for the record, if I'm down to my last potato, I'm not sharing it with a guy who wants to kill me so he can get a better supply of virgins in paradise. That lesson is a little thing I call Economics 101, infidel style.

--Scott Adams author of Dilbert
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