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Old 03-16-2009, 02:45 PM   #1
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71 LWB Replacement Drive Shaft?

Hi all, I recently put in U-joints in my 71 LWB. It has a 2 piece drive shaft, with a hanger bearing. Mostly this went fine, though I could not replace the hanger bearing, and two of the C-clips refuse to go in, not enough clearance (yes, I have checked for loose bearings and such).

I am trying to figure out what to do about this. In the meantime, I may try to put a different one in. Do any of you know what all years this type of drive shaft should excahnge with? I am considering buying another if I can find one cheaply.

If it helps, the bolts on the hanger bearing are in line with the drive shaft itself, one right behind the other.

Any ideas?
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