My SMI carburetor has a connection for the throttle cable with a E-clip, my original cable used a ball type stud. What type of cable will I need to get?
The TV cable connection is different, but it will work. The biggest issue with it is it's in a different location. If it will adjust out far enough it will be ok.
Does anyone know how much adjustment this cable has and how to properly
set it up. The Do's and Don't when adjusting the TV cable would be great.

This is showing how much shorter it is than my old one is. I think I can mount my old ball style in the hole the ruler pointing to. Also the E- clip connector on the new carb.
This is the original ball style connector, and it's mounted lower and closer
(shorter cable)
original TV cable
This is the new TV connection, not the same but I think it will work if it will adjust out far enough.
Last few are looking down on the connections.