Re: radiator
Can't help on the radiator ?? because I haven't made it that far yet. On the external tranny cooler and oil cooler though, go to a local u-pull-it type yard and scavenge them from a later model truck that had the towing package. There were even passenger cars that had the oil coolers too. Just spend some time poking around and there's no telling what you will run across.The good thing about it is you won't be looking at much $$$ outlay.
On second thought, when you go to the "yard" be prepared with a tape measure and start measuring different radiators that will fit in the necessary opening that are of decent size(core thickness). You might find something that will work for @ $20 or so.
Good luck in your hunt and let us know how it turns out for you!
Just hopin' I live long enough to finish something!!!