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Old 03-22-2009, 08:59 AM   #3
see ten
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Re: wondering what it takes to get 5/6 drop.

You may want to be a little more conservative with your front drop. There are guys here that have done it and are happy with it, but that's a good bit of drop for the front. Tire clearances are going to be tight, and your control arms are going to be hanging very low. I'm not saying don't do it...just spend some more time lookinig around the site and ask some of the guys that have done it how happy they are with it as well as how do they use their trucks.

6" of drop out back shouldn't require a notch. I've got one that's lowered 6" in the back and I drive it hard and do haul stuff....and it does bottom out from time to time. My next one I do will be notched.

You're going to have a good bit of rake (or stink bug action) with that much drop in the front. Mine is dropped 6" out back and 3.5" in the front. If you do decide to go 5" in the front you might want to think about either using bags in the back or adding a block in with the 6" coils to get it down a bit more so the proportions will be right. Of course doing that would almost guarantee that you would have to notch the frame.
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