Thread: BBC or LS!
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Old 03-22-2009, 10:43 AM   #7
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Re: BBC or LS!

Originally Posted by clay68c10 View Post
If they're both going to be carbed, I say do the 454. But if you have access to the EFI stuff, then I think the LS is the better choice.
That said, if the LS stuff had been as affordable when I did my BBC as it is now, I'd be running a 6.0.
I like BBC, but as you say, it is not as affordable anymore (really was never cheap) You can buy low mileage 6.0 engines all day long for 800.00 with all the FI/computer stuff to make it work, you will spend that in the machine work and rebuilding a carb for a BBC. Throw a good cam in it and a chip and start running hard, reliably for a grand plus install parts. Granted it is alot of work up front, especially the fuel delivery issues, but I think you would be hard pressed to beat the price compared to a Big Block swap.
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