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Old 03-24-2009, 06:36 PM   #1
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73-87 flip kit on a 72...possible???

My first post, new to the whole C-10 thing. I've tried to search and have yet to come up with an answer. The DJM flip kit for a 72 is like $130 maybe a little more, but the western chassis flip for a 73-87 c10 is $79. That sounds awesome to me, but will it work. What is the difference between the two flips?? I know the leafs are a different size but would that affect the flip kit?? I could see it being an issue with the bottom plate, but would just leaving the u bolts a little wider affect anything??

This truck is not going to be fast or have a lot of power, just low and if anyone knows I would really appreciate it....

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