Originally Posted by rlm316
In my opinion, I don't think that it is the rear wheel cylinders or the flex line. Wheel cylinders won't increase pressure on the system, they would blow the end seals and leak, and if the flex line collapsed it would either hold line pressure on the wheel cylinders causing the brakes to drag or blocking pressure from reaching the cylinders resulting in loss of breaking to the rear. You have not told us if the fluid level is dropping and from what bowl. Your brake system only holds a designated ammount of fluid, so for it to increase/expand it must either be heated or bled into from another system/circuit. When you pull the cap, is there a difference in level in either of the bowls?
Yeah, I did….very first post, first sentence, last line.
It leaks from the lid at the forward reservoir, which would be for the rear brakes.
Only the front bowl is leaking. The rear bowl is maintaining a steady amount of fluid. I haven’t added any fluid to the front bowl before or since this leak began other than when I replace the m/c. I was actually hoping I over filled it and it would find its sweet spot which it hasn’t found yet so no luck there.
It would still seem odd to be heat related because nothing changed. It just started leaking out of the blue. I won’t have time to crawl all over it for a few weeks. I appreciate all the ideas though. Keep them coming!