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Old 03-24-2009, 09:25 PM   #4
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Re: 87 454 tbi black smoke

Originally Posted by bigblockdually View Post
i'm pretty dam sure that my truck wants to be a diesel it has a slight engine knock that goes away when warmed up and it smokes BLACK if you tap the throttle quick and repeadtly it will smoke or if you just nail it from a stop and let off when you get to the floor it will run rough until you rev it up and hold it steadt i can get it smoking pretty dam bad sometimes to the point it looks like the truck is on fire if i just keep on tapping the throttle in gear it gets all caught up in itself and just smokes like hell so if anyone knows why its doing this it would help and you can also just romp the hell out of it burning out launching it or just reving it it wont do it
You'll have to do basic troubleshooting with your truck. Your TBI system has an ECM which controls fueling and timing depending on sensor inputs.

1st Check codes - you can do this a with paper clip by shorting Pins A & B on ALDL connector. This will force your ECM to blink SES light, reveling error codes. It should blink code 12 (three times) followed by any other stored trouble codes. Do this basic check first.

2nd the most common cause for rich TBI operation is an open coolant temperature sensor (CTS) located next to the thermostat housing (two pin connector). When this sensor fails (usually happens after many years in service ) ECM sees open circuit which corresponds to very cold temperature. This results in rich mixture condition.

Check codes first.

"The Beast"

1975 Chevrolet C20 longbed
350/700R4! with 3inch body lift
Dual Flowmasters Super 40's!
TBI retrofit completed (2007-07-29)
New 383CID (+030) 08-304-8 9.5:1CR x36,005 (2012-12-17)
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