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Old 03-25-2009, 01:09 PM   #15
Always Fixing Things
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Location: Roseville, CA
Posts: 390
Re: Happy Belated 40 Year Birthday!

Thanks for the love, guys! I don't have a build thread, and I am rarely fast enough to answer anybody's question on this forum with so many passionate experts, so I gotta talk about my truck somehow.

My dad never really had a choice about getting rid of it. It must have been around 1974 when my brother started driving and would take my sisters and me to school in the pickup. All of us kids learned how to use the clutch and the three-on-the-tree, and remember, no power steering or power brakes. Both of my older sisters drove the GMC through their high school days, and I started driving it in March 1981. (Got my license on my 16th birthday!) I’m sure the other kids could add pages of events that happened in this truck.

As for the paint, I really wanted to go with the original color but I couldn't find anything but a single stage and with all that metalic flake, I didn't want it to fade in a year. I chose "Light Quasar Blue" from 1994 GMCs. Code #WA9790 It looked kinda weird at first, but that was only because it was faded for soooooo long. The truck sits outside everyday, but the Standox is holding up pretty good.

I really think I lost some character of the old truck when I painted it, but since I did my own body work, it's still there!

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Just an Average Joe
‘68 GMC 307 3spd – My dad's original truck
310,000 miles

Last edited by SacramentoJoe; 03-27-2009 at 02:44 PM.
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