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Old 03-25-2009, 10:56 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Arkansas
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Another 50 GMC...

Hello there. I am a new owner of a timeless American truck. This classic has been perfectly preserved with a one of a kind patina/rust finish that was achieved after about 35.243 years of sitting in an Arkansas pasture... Haha.

I just bought a 1950 GMC-100 Pickup from my grandfather. Long story short: Dad bought truck as first ride in early 70's... Drove it for about a month and then sold it to grandpa due to no title... Grandpa parks truck in pasture with the intention of 'fixin it up one day'... Fast forward to 2009 and we have this.......

Now the truck appears to be fairly solid so far. I did notice that the cab corners were a bit soft, and the wood bed is pretty well gone.

There is a but to every story, however, and this is where I include it with mine...

For some reason known only to a teenage boy in the early 70's, someone thought that it would be a good idea to cut a hole in the roof in order to install a sunroof. That is all fine and good except for the fact that the sunroof was never installed...

I would absolutely love to put this truck back on the road. The builds that I have seen here are incredible to say the least. My thoughts are to do the s-10 frame and drivetrain swap, install bags, and then drive the wheels off of it.

In your opinion, is there any chance that this truck could be put back on the road without spending a small fortune?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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