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Old 03-26-2009, 09:26 AM   #11
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Re: tranny for 68 chevy pu

wrenchbender it is a sm465 tranny , thanks. now the question is should i get a used tranny or have this one rebuilt? Any one have a ball park price to have the tranny rebuilt? If i go with a used one it seems that there was a early version from 68-78, and a later version from 79-91. will either one work or do i need to stay with the earlier one? And lastly (for now) I cant get the cover to go back down to try the rocking trick. The rear of the cover seems ok but something up front is keeping the cover from going down. I have only lifted the cover up about a inch or two and never forced it very hard. Any thoughts on what could be holding the front of the cover up? Thanks again Roger.... edit:found this and it looks the 2wd tranny is the same from 68-91 other than some internal changes. am i reading that correct?

Last edited by ksuwildcats2004; 03-26-2009 at 10:02 AM.
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