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Old 03-26-2009, 07:47 PM   #5
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Re: Question about large dealer installed gas tank

Thanks Vectorit, My fill line does not have a Y, the tank that is in it is the only one. What happened is they took the factory 20 gallon tank out at the dealer and installed a 45 gallon tank. Not sure who made them but I have seen quite a few of them on this forum, and my father in laws 4x4 burb also has one of these tanks.

The vent line isn't bent that I know of, and as far as I thought all the lines were hooked up properly. Maybe these tanks just burped alot when filled. I might just have to find a way of filling it up without causing it to burb. Or fill it up very slowly which when you are filling 45 gallons could take all day to do!
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